Cheeky Monkeys


I teach kids yoga once a week at my daughter's daycare. It's radically different to yoga with grown ups - I can't imagine my adult students chasing each other around the space pretending to be monkeys. But there's always room to experiment right? And the way I feel after teaching kids is also incredibly different. 

If I'm honest, some days I really wonder if it's a big, fat time waster. The kids can be unfocused, cray cray, running amok and I feel frustrated. But yesterday, one of the children's mums told me she found her 3.5 year old daughter doing some deep breathing in her room last week after a meltdown and another mum found her son meditating when his friends didn't want to play what he wanted to. So, I say, get over yourself Jones! It's not about you. It does sink in and they'll get what they need, clever creatures. And then I realise that perhaps kids and adult yoga isn't so different after all. As teachers, we simply facilitate an experience. We offer shapes and words and ideas and then step aside and let the yoga and student meet, and the alchemy take place. What a gift and honour then to witness this and hold space. Even for my little cheeky monkeys...Yoga really is pretty magical stuff. 

Kellie Jones